
Work with us

When job op­por­tu­ni­ties a­rise at ICRD Group, they are post­ed on our job va­can­cies page. If you are in­ter­est­ed in work­ing with ICRD Group as a per­ma­nent staff mem­ber, or would like to work for an­y of our di­vi­sions, click here to email your CV.

Intern with us

ICRD Group hosts in­terns all year round, click here to ap­ply.

Join our ICRD Group consultants database

ICRD Group is build­ing its con­sult­ants da­ta­base. If you would like to reg­is­ter your in­ter­est in be­com­ing an ICRD Group con­sult­ant in an­y of our di­vi­sions, fill out this form.

Become an ICRD Group associates

ICRD Group as­so­ciates pro­vide ad­di­tion­al ex­per­tise a­ligned to our fo­cus ar­e­as. Our as­so­ci­ates list is cur­rent­ly a work in pro­gress and will be pub­lished on this site in com­ing months. If you would like to know more a­bout be­com­ing an ICRD Group as­so­ci­ate, email us here.

Got an idea?

ICRD Group is in­ter­est­ed in col­lab­o­rat­ing with oth­ers on in­no­va­tive i­de­as for busi­ness and com­mu­nity de­vel­op­ment. If you have a con­cept that you would like to dis­cuss with us, or are look­ing for a po­ten­tial part­ner for a de­vel­op­ment proj­ect in the Sub-Saharan Africa re­gion, con­tact us here.

Tell us what you think

ICRD Group wel­comes feed­back on all of its ac­tiv­i­ties. Send us an email here with your com­ments, sug­ges­tions or que­ries