ICRD Group Holdings at glance

Since 2008, ICRD Group Hold­ings has been cre­at­ing eco­nomic, so­cial and eco­log­i­cal value through mar­ket-based so­lu­tions that build and scale in­no­va­tive busi­nesses for so­cial change. Our founder en­vi­sioned a hy­brid de­vel­op­ment in­sti­tu­tion that de­liv­ers eco­nomic as well as so­cial and eco­log­i­cal out­comes in new and syn­er­gis­tic ways. We are a lead­ing triple bot­tom line Pan-African busi­ness group with in­ter­ests in me­dia, pro­fes­sional ser­vices, clean tech­nolo­gies, nat­u­ral re­sources and di­ver­si­fied ecosys­tems so­lu­tions.

In the ab­sence of long-term con­ces­sional in­vestors, ICRD Group Hold­ings was es­tab­lished by Lucky Litelu, founder and ex­ec­u­tive chair­man, to serve as a long-term rev­enue stream to fi­nance the growth and ex­pan­sion of ICRD Group of com­pa­nies into the Sub-Saharan Africa re­gion. This was done in the hope that our work will be counted among the many small good acts that, when repli­cated and com­pounded with others, will add up towards the cre­ation of a more in­clu­sive macroe­co­nomic de­vel­op­ment par­a­digm.


We are a dynamic engine for sustainable economic, social and ecological transformation.

The group en­com­passes a clus­ter of busi­nesses that de­liver in­te­grated ser­vices to in­di­vid­u­als, or­ga­ni­sa­tions and com­mu­ni­ties work­ing in de­vel­op­ing mar­kets.

We part­ner with clients in all sec­tors and re­gions to iden­tify their high­est-value op­por­tu­ni­ties; ad­dress their most crit­i­cal chal­lenges and trans­form their or­gan­i­sa­tions. Fur­ther­more, we build knowl­edge through re­search fo­cused on scal­able and sus­tain­able de­vel­op­ment so­lu­tions. Our ex­ten­sive knowl­edge of so­cio-eco­nomic and eco­log­i­cal fac­tors in each re­gion and sec­tor we op­er­ate gives us a com­pet­i­tive edge.

Our mix of re­fined mar­ket­-based strat­e­gies, depth of op­er­a­tion­al ex­per­tise and ex­pe­ri­ence, ex­ten­sive net­work of ex­perts and thought­ful part­ner­ships u­nique­ly po­si­tions us to as­sist cli­ents look­ing to a­dopt new prof­its and sus­tain­abil­ity mo­dels. Our cus­tom­ized ap­proach aims to give cli­ents sus­tain­a­ble com­pet­i­tive ad­van­tage, de­vel­op more ca­pa­ble or­gan­i­za­tions and se­cure last­ing re­sults.


We seek to be agents of change—for our clients, our people, and society broadly. Day-to-day we strive to serve society by providing just-in-time solutions, that meet and exceed our clients expectations in today’s rapidly changing world.

We are committed to achieving five key objectives:

  1. Creating competitive advantage through unique solutions.

  2. Building capabilities, mobilizing individuals, organisations and communities.

  3. Driving sustainable impact.

  4. Providing unparalleled opportunities for personal growth.

  5. Succeeding together with passion and trust.

As the partner of choice in transforming business and society